RMRK: the Adaptable layer 1

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RMRK – or remark – is a tricky one, but I’ll break this down as simply as possible. This is a metaverse based project offering an array of specific tools for use inside the metaverse.

Some facts about RMRK:

  • It was created in mid-2021 and is hosted on the Kusama network for now (Polkadots smaller test network used to ensure things runs smoothly before running on the main net)

  • It is essentially like a set of NFT legos that give infinite extensibility to said NFTs.

  • NFTs can equip other NFTs and change their output based on conditions, rules, and emotes.

  • Does not require smart contracts or parachains.

RMRK is not actually a blockchain, it’s a protocol. It is, however, a layer 1 because like all layer 1s, other projects can build on it. So how is it used on other blockchains?

Underappreciated potential

Without getting too technical, RMRK’s adaptability to other blockchains is due to it having no consensus layer. This allows the protocol to simply be rewritten in accordance with the blockchain it needs to attach to. In a sense, RMRK can be adapted to any blockchain.

RMRK, as it is quite new, has vastly unexplored potential. The NFT capabilities are adaptable to any game and can be used as a creative canvas for any NFT purpose. Joint ownership, merging a basic NFT portrait into an in-game character, and personal wallet building are just some of its many capabilities. Here’s a step-by-step example:

  • A team creates a metaverse world and runs the RMRK protocol.

  • A user then buys an area of land in that world as an NFT (the land becomes the parent NFT).

  • The user can then – using the RMRK protocol that is detached from the world’s code and nodes – decide to turn his land into a game itself (the new game rules on his land become the child NFT).

  • He then adds more game infrastructure that requires anyone to enter his game to pay 10 $RMRK tokens ( the token barrier of entry becomes the grand-child NFT).

  • The user then creates another protocol. A unique bag of tools is issued to entering players to aid with in-game functions (the unique bag becomes the great-grandchild NFT).

  • And so on…

RMRK also has its own NFT app, and drops collections of NFTs for various Kusama and Polkadot projects (such as its first collection Kanaria, hatchable canary NFT drop of Kusama). This app requires the use of its native token $RMRK.

“The vision of RMRK is to be the only NFT standard used by everyone.” – Yuri Petusko, RMRK founder

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